
Tag: Change Management

When it comes to org design…organisation charts don’t tell you very much

Over the years we have seen organisation design exercises that start with pulling out org charts and discussing how the work could be reallocated to the individuals on them, often according to their own preferences or aptitudes. Guess what? That doesn’t work. Org charts are not the place to start when it comes to thinking…
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Support your team through the change and uncertainty of remote working

Businesses around the globe have initiated extreme measures in an effort to safeguard their employees’ welfare and contain the spread of COVID-19. For many this means a mandated move to remote working – typically from the employee’s home. Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Facebook have tens of thousands of staff working from home (and, let’s face…
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Why good change management is more than just good communications

When we tell people what we do at Allagi we are sometimes surprised that they respond with “ah yes, change management; good communications, so important”. In fact many people believe that successful change management is the same as good communications, but we see it differently. When you want people to adopt a new process, technology,…
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